All children develop at their own pace. Signs of healthy development vary by each stage of growth. While most of us understand the significance of crawling, walking, and talking, some frustrating and messy moments we experience with our little ones are also important milestones that should be celebrated rather than discouraged. We encourage all our families to dance, sing, play with their babies and track important developmental milestones with their children. It’s also essential to seek out your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your child’s development.
We recognize that helping children grow and meet their developmental milestones is often done in partnership with family, friends, child care providers, and teachers. It takes a village! The Lighthouse for Children was designed to be a one-stop shop where families could access services, care, and resources needed for the first five years of life. The Child Development Center, located on the first floor of the LFC, was designed to be a high-quality child care center that emphasizes play, social-emotional development, and engaging the whole family in the care.

Child Development Center
Children are the heartbeat of our community and the reason we do what we do.
High-quality early learning experiences prepare children for success in school and in life. The Child Development Center features six state-of-the-art classrooms and a natural playground designed to maximize learning both inside and outside for infant, toddler, and preschool-aged children.
Our staff is committed to relationship-based, individualized care for each child enrolled. Our goal is to ensure all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential as they explore, learn and grow.
The center also serves as a demonstration site and innovation lab for early childhood professionals and students. It offers observation areas and on-site training opportunities to learn about the initiative’s approach to high-quality care and utilization of a blended-funding model.
The Center represents a unique partnership between First 5 Fresno County and the Fresno County Office of Education.
2405 Tulare St., Suite 100, Fresno, CA 93721
Hours of Operation:
- Infant Classroom (0-24 months), 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Toddler (18 months – 36 months) & Preschool Classrooms (2 years, 9 months – 5 years), 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
If you have questions, please contact the LFC CDC Office Assistant at (559) 443-4832 or
We appreciate your interest in enrolling your child/ren at the Lighthouse for Children Child Development Center. Our full-inclusion initiative is open to children and families regardless of income level or developmental need.
If you are interested in enrolling your child/ren, please click on the link: LFC CDC Waiting List Application. The electronic application will allow you to update your family information as needed.
If you need assistance with the enrollment process, please call (559) 443-4832.
The waiting list application process for the Lighthouse for Children Child Development Center (LFC CDC), operated by the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, is as follows:
Families in need of child care services must first complete a waiting list application. When a space becomes available for your child/ren, we will contact you to request additional information.
After you submit a waiting list application, an authorized FCSS staff person may contact you if any information is missing or additional information is requested. Incomplete applications will not be placed on our waitlist.
Families are responsible for updating their electronic applications using the “Parent Portal” created when their waiting list application was submitted to ensure the information reported remains up to date.
Note: Being on the waiting list does not guarantee enrollment.
Additional Waiting List Application Information
- Families that apply for State Subsidized Child Care or Preschool (CCTR/CSPP) services will be ranked based on their family size and income using a Ranking Schedule provided by the California Department of Education (CDE) or the Child Care and Development Division (CCDD).
- Families placed on the waitlist for Full Tuition or a First 5 Fresno County Partial Scholarship (F5FCS) will be placed on the waitlist by the date the completed application is received. However, parents working downtown within the designated boundaries will receive priority enrollment.
- Families with children enrolled at the LFC CDC have priority sibling enrollment when enrolling in the Full Tuition or F5FCS initiative.
When space becomes available for a family seeking state-subsidized child care (CCTR) or preschool (CSPP), families are pulled from the waiting list according to Admission Priorities determined by CDE/CCDD or the income ranking based on income and family size. When a space becomes available for Full Tuition or F5FCS, families are pulled from the waiting list based on application submission.
The family is contacted and notified of a possible space available for each applicable child. At this time, the LFC CDC initiative staff will review the information on the waiting list application and request any information required to determine eligibility for services. This can include zip code, income, need for child care services, etc.
After the family is offered a child care spot and they agree with the initial tuition fees (per funding source), the enrollment process continues, and an enrollment application is provided with a list of documents that may be required.
The family must submit the provided enrollment application packet and any requested supporting documents within two weeks of being offered a child care spot. The child care spot will be forfeited, and the family will be removed from our waiting list if the requested documents are not received within two weeks,
When the family completes the enrollment application packet and has all requested documents ready for review, the family must call the LFC CDC Office Assistant at (559) 443-4832 to schedule an orientation which includes reviewing requested documents and program requirements.
During the orientation, the family is required to schedule two phase-in dates. In the first phase, the parent/guardian will bring their child with them to visit the child’s classroom for a minimum of one hour. During the second phase-in date, the parent/guardian will meet with the child’s teacher for a classroom orientation for up to 45 minutes to learn more about classroom expectations, and complete infant/toddler forms. If applicable, they will review the daily classroom schedule, engage in the family interview, Q&A, etc.
The Lighthouse for Children Child Development Center is a full-day program that provides care Monday through Friday with monthly rates based on need and eligibility requirements. However, the Lighthouse for Children Child Development Center may offer limited part-time care options.
Approved child care schedules are based on the availability of space to meet adult/child ratios and are not based on the Lighthouse for Children Child Development Center hours of operation.
State Subsidized Early Learning and Care Services Option:
Please review the income caps if you are interested in enrolling in our CCTR initiative for infants and toddlers. State-subsidized slots are limited and based on the availability of space.
State Fiscal Year 2023-24 Schedule of Income Ceilings (85 percent of SMI)
Please review the income caps below if you are interested in enrolling in our CSPP program for preschoolers. State-subsidized slots are limited and based on the availability of space.
State Fiscal Year 2023-24 Schedule of Income Ceilings, 100% of SMI
Family |
Family Yearly Income Ceiling (100% of SMI) |
Family Monthly Income Ceiling (100% of SMI) |
Maximum Monthly Income for 15% above Income Eligibility Threshold |
1-2 |
$86,514 |
$7,209 |
$8,291 |
3 |
$97,843 |
$8,154 |
$9,377 |
4 |
$113,419 |
$9,441 |
$10,857 |
5 |
$131,419 |
$10,952 |
$12,594 |
6 |
$149,546 |
$12,462 |
$14,331 |
7 |
$152,944 |
$12,745 |
$14,657 |
8 |
$156,343 |
$13,029 |
$14,983 |
9 |
$159,742 |
$13,312 |
$15,309 |
10 |
$163,141 |
$13,595 |
$15,634 |
11 |
$166,539 |
$13,878 |
$15,960 |
12 |
$169,938 |
$14,162 |
$16,286 |
Source: 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample File
Our First 5 Fresno County Partial Scholarship option increases access to high-quality early care and education for middle-income families that do not qualify for state-subsidized services (CCTR/CSPP). Please review the annual income limitations below. F5FCS slots are limited and based on the availability of space.
Note: First 5 Fresno County employees, Commissioners, and/or their spouses or domestic partners are not eligible to be recipients of the First 5 Fresno County Partial Scholarship.
First 5 Fresno County Scholarship Eligibility effective April 1, 2024
Annual Gross Family Income |
Scholarship A |
Scholarship B |
Scholarship C |
1 or 2 |
$73,536 |
$95,597 |
$95,598 |
$102,950 |
$102,951 |
$110,304 |
3 |
$83,172 |
$108,124 |
$108,125 |
$116,441 |
$116,442 |
$124,758 |
4 |
$96,300 |
$125,190 |
$125,191 |
$134,820 |
$134,821 |
$144,450 |
5 |
$111,708 |
$145,220 |
$145,221 |
$156,391 |
$156,392 |
$167,562 |
6 |
$127,116 |
$165,251 |
$165,252 |
$177,962 |
$177,963 |
$190,674 |
7 |
$130,008 |
$169,010 |
$169,011 |
$182,011 |
$182,012 |
$195,012 |
8 or more |
$132,888 |
$172,754 |
$172,755 |
$186,043 |
$186,044 |
$199,332 |
F5 Scholarship Table effective April 1, 2024
Classroom |
Scholarship A |
Scholarship B |
Scholarship C |
Infant |
$540 |
$675 |
$810 |
Toddler |
$500 |
$625 |
$750 |
Preschool |
$400 |
$500 |
$600 |
Our full tuition option provides high-quality early care and education for families that do not qualify for State Subsidized Services or the F5FCS Initiative. The monthly tuition rates are as follows:
Classrooms | Monthly Tuition |
Infant | $1350 |
Toddler | $1250 |
Preschool | $1000 |
Coming Soon
Paid Family Leave/Disability Insurance
This bill, SB 951, extends the existing wage replacement rates for the State Disability (SDI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) programs, which provide a 60-70% wage replacement, and revises the formulas for determining benefits under both programs to provide an increased wage replacement rate ranging from 70-90%.
Suspension and Expulsion in Early Learning
Bill AB 2806 prohibits suspension and expulsion in state preschool and child care programs. Bill also includes funding for early childhood mental health to support teachers, children, and families by promoting positive mental health, buffering the effects of toxic stress and trauma, and bringing out the most optimal development and learning for each child.
Live Birth Records
Bill AB 2176 extends the need to record live birth within 10 days to 21 days which is especially important for our native American and rural families.
Sick Leave Use for Family Care
Employees who earn paid sick leave can use half of the sick leave earned each year to care for sick family members.
Family-School Partnership Act
Parents who work for an employer with 25 or more employees at the same location can take unpaid time off work to attend a child’s school activities (40 hours each year, no more than 8 hours a month).
Community Resources
- Visit the Lighthouse Community Learning Center for a calendar of activities, including parent-child socializing groups.
- First 5 Fresno Resource Guide: List of services and initiatives available to families in Fresno County
Developmental Milestones
- Developmental Milestones Checklist
- Complete a checklist using the Digital Online Checklist
- Download the Milestone Tracker mobile app
Early Developmental Screening
- Watch the Know the Signs, Be Their Voice Video
- Have a question about your child/ren’s development? Visit Help Me Grow Fresno County or call 888-774-8981 to request a questionnaire.
- Download the ASQ-3/ASQ: SE activity sheet for other ideas to help your chid/ren’s development.